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Dana Jones


Quiltmaker  •  Quilt Teacher  •  Quilt Designer

Author  •  Editor  •  Photographer  •  Artist

Journalist  •  Quilt Classes  •  Quilt Lectures

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"Warp Speed"  by Dana Jones

Quilted by Rita Meyerhoff

Finding Your Design Sense

Coming soon, this workshop is for you if you’re ready to design your own quilts but aren’t sure where to start. Finding Your Design Sense will introduce you to the basics of design — balance, unity, variety, line, shape, value, color, pattern, texture and more — through in-class activities and at-home play. You’ll learn what appeals to you toward developing your design style. In this class, you will:

  • Learn concepts of design you can use to design quilts and to adapt other people’s designs;

  • Be stretched to try new ideas, some that may push you to a new place and some that will affirm your ability as a designer; and

  • Become confident that you can design quilts unique to you.

The class will meet once a month for five months, allowing time between classes to use what you learn. And there will be a final critique session for those who are interested. 


Watch for dates to come.

Gilpin County, Colorado                          720-654-8430

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