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Dana Jones
Quiltmaker • Quilt Teacher • Quilt Designer
Author • Editor • Photographer • Artist
Journalist • Quilt Classes • Quilt Lectures

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Demystifying Design for FPP
Do you love foundation paper piecing?
Do you want to design your own FPP quilts?
Are you fascinated by how to create the appearance of curves with straight lines?
If you said yes to any of these questions, this class is a must for you. In just six hours, you'll learn the Insructor's Paper Police© rules that guarantee your success in designing everything from quilt blocks to complicated photographic images.
Exercises give you hands-on experience using these rules. Because the class is offered in two three-hour sessions a week apart, you have time between sessions to practice what you learn.
Class sessions will be recorded, and you will receive a You Tube link to the recordings within 48 hours after each session. You'll receive detailed full-color handouts that contain much of the material covered in class. And you'll have access to your Instructor between classes and after the final class session via email, phone and one-on-one Zoom sessions. ​
Don't miss out on this opporutnity. Register now as class size is limited to 10 to allow one-on-one personal attention during class.
SATURDAYS: Saturdays, March 1 and 8, 2025
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Mountain Time
(noon-3 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Central, 9 a.m.-noon Pacific)

At left, "Don't Call Me Girl," by Dana Jones, quilted by Rita Meyerhoff. Above and below, blocks based on the Ohio Star block, designed and made by Dana Jones
Accolades for New Class
Warp Speed
Tuesdays, February 4 and 11, 2025
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Mountain Standard Time
(noon-3 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Central, 9 a.m.-noon Pacific)
When "Warp Speed" debuted in January 2024, it was an instant success. In this fast-paced class, each student selects a quilt block then begins manipulating and warping it in a variety of ways until each has a design she/he/they like. This is done through a series of class exercises that begin with close study of the block followed by playing with various warping techniques, creating thumbnail designs, and selecting a favorite design to fine-tune into a quilt design.
Students go from head scratching to "Ah-Ha" moments that bring surprise and joy. This workshop celebrates the rich tradition inherited from quilting foremothers and fathers then propels participants to new designs uniquely their own.
The two-three hour sessions are filled with hands-on fun and discoveries that will take you from disbelief to pride in what you create.
Register now to get your warp on!