Block for "Warp Speed" by Dana Jones
I'm going to break my cardinal rule of not leading off a blog with promotion of my upcoming classes. I'm really excited about the slate of new and returning classes I've scheduled as open enrollment offerings — anyone, anywhere with Zoom access can register. I'm going to share one a day for the rest of the week. I'll not send emails each day but hope you'll tune in. I'l keep the reads short. Promise.
I'll also share a few images and thoughts from my recent road trip to Illinois each day. The two weeks in Illinois were so full I was too exhausted most evenings to blog. So I'll play a bit of catch up this week.
Registration is open for the following classes:
Finding Your Design Sense
Stepping Beyond Drunkard's Path Block of the Month Sew Along
Peace Cranes Over Hiroshima
Finding Your Color Sense

First off is Finding Your Design Sense. This five-session class begins Thursday, April 20. It will meet for three hours once a month through Thursday, August 17. You can plan to attend from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. MDT (noon-3 p.m. EDT, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. CDT, 9 a.m.-noon PDT) or 4-6 p.m. MDT (6-9 p.m. EDT, 5-8 p.m. CDT, 3-6 p.m. PDT)
You'll learn and practice design principles through in-class and home-play exercises. You'll learn where to find inspiration, new ways to work with color, what nature has to say about efficient design, and more. You'll learn and practice methods for claiming your identity as a designer, including use of thumbnail sketches, keeping a journal or design notebook, joining in helpful critique sessions, and more.
At right, "Will It Go Round in Circles" by Dana Jones

Finding Your Design Sense exercise by Martha Ritter
Several participants in the inaugural offering of this class last fall said it was "life changing." Another said the class, originally titled Quilt Design 101, went beyond basics in an expected way. I only take 10 students so sign up now.
Because the class meets over five months with the possibility of additional critique sessions, class participants become a community that encourages each other. Register now to expand and develop your design skills and find other folks to accompany you on that journey.
Going Home

In northern Illinois, I spoke to the Northwest Suburban Quilters Guild about the International Honor Quilt. What a welcoming and interesting group of quilters! I grew up in the northeast corner of Illinois so while there, I caught up with several high school friends and grade school BFF Andi Tranter Bedell. Such joy to be with such a special person. We had to tip our server big as our early lunch extended almost to the dinner hour.
From left, Andi Tranter Bedell and me.

At left, Andi and I both lived in the "Cape Cod" model in our vintage 1940s-50s suburban neighborhood in Libertyville, Illinois. Above, the house my family moved to when I was in high school, also in Libertyville. It is now owned by Condell Memorial Hospital.

My visits home always include a visit to the cemetery where my parents' ashes share a plot. My father died first, way too early from pancreatic cancer. When my mother, sister, brother and I were faced with what marker we should put at the site, we knew Dad would want it simple. I don't know whose idea it was, but the wonderful direction that emerged was that we engrave Dad's beautiful signature and the dates he was on this earth. Nothing more was needed. I love this decision. We followed suit when we lost Mom. Visiting their grave is a sacred time for me.